
Who Will Fight For Us?

I hope that 2 weeks from now, John Edwards has a good day in Iowa, because this is a principled individual who I truly believe would stand for the people if elected president. We desperately need strong leadership battling for our interests, instead of the gigantic corporations and ridiculously greedy people who run them (often, into the ground). During the interview, Edwards summarizes his campaign: EDWARDS: I’m the guy who’s going to fight for the change we need, not talk about it, not try to maneuver my way through a system that I think is broken.

Lobbyists Represent Real Americans

This clip comes from a presidential candidates forum at the YearlyKos Convention in August 2007.

The Politics of Parsing

Hillary Clinton responds with double-talk during the Democratic candidates debate on October 30, 2007.

Why A Former Nader Voter Supports John Edwards for President

I admit it, I was a Nader Voter. Throughout the Bush-Gore race I was highly disillusioned with our “two” party system because the politicians were obviously not working for the good of people, instead choosing to pander to the same corporate interests who had paid them off with wads and wads of “free speech”. The argument was that both parties had been completely corrupted to the point of no return, and were essentially two sides of the same coin.

Daily Kos

The premier political community in the United States, with traffic of about 600,000 daily visits. Among luminaries posting diaries on the site are President Jimmy Carter, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and dozens of other senators, congressmen, and governors. But, even more exciting than that, tens of thousands of regular Americans have used Daily Kos to lend their voice to a political world once the domain of the rich, connected, and powerful.

The Huffington Post

Serving breaking news from the wires and opinion pieces from all sorts of high and low profile bloggers, HuffPost users are an interesting set of political junkies and I could spend hours just reading the comments alone.

You Can't Win A War Crime

Presenting the Grand Opening of Aigeanta’s Press, your One Stop Shop for Stickers and T-Shirts to spread the truth about our descent into a dystopian nightmare. I was inspired by Open Source Resistance on my first release, “You Can’t Win A War Crime”. Every purchase you make will help pay the bills the fascists use to keep us too busy to pay attention.


For such a supposedly dry topic, SiCKO sure caused a lot of wet eyes and enthusiastic claps during the opening night viewing I attended. Maybe Single-Payer Health Care should be the number one domestic topic for our Democratic candidates, considering the very critical consequences our current immoral, for-profit scam is inflicting on human beings. Right after the number one international topic: ending the immoral, for-profit scam we’ve inflicted on Iraq, which is sucking all our dollars into foreign death instead of national health.

Cindy Sheehan's Question

While the president is on a permanent vacation from reality, Vacaville mother Cindy Sheehan has setup Camp Casey outside his Crawford, Texas ranch to protest against an illegal war and occupation that took the life of her son, Casey Sheehan, along with the lives of over 1,850 more American soldiers and probably well over 25,000 Iraqi civilians. Her stated reason for the vigil is to meet with Bush to ask, "

Independence Day Ruminations

Today the San Francisco Chronicle had an interesting opinion piece, Celebrating independence from ignorance, which starts off: "John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died July 4, 1826. This was not a coincidence." This sentence piqued my curiosity and led me to read the rest of the article, coming upon this quote from Jefferson's last written document:;/p>May it be to the world, what I believe it will be (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all) the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government.